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Jadair Settler/Clarifier Systems



JADAIRTM Settler/Clarifier water clarification systems clarify your water and bring out the driest solids possible and JADAIRTM Settler/Clarifier Systems can be used nearly anywhere liquid and solids separation is required.

Water clarification can be a challenge. Settling ponds have long been the accepted method of handling dirty water. But with this method, despite its expense, water quality is not assured and water losses can be significant. Additionally, short- and long-term consequences to the land can be enormous.

Other industry standard thickeners and clarifiers produce underflow that has high water content and relatively low solids content. The material that comes from all of these sources can be sloppy and next to impossible to handle! Excavators and drag lines are expensive to operate and maintain, they're slow at bailing out ponds, and they're underutilized (doing the wrong job) when cleaning ponds. Wet impoundment dam failures can occur and can cause extensive damage.

All of these problems can be solved with help of a JADAIRTM Settler/Clarifier System.


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Water Clarification Systems


The JADAIRTM Settler/Clarifier system is a whole new way of looking at water clarification. It puts an end to settling ponds and provides both a continuous supply of clarified water to assure steady production and thick solids that can be handled, like solids! The JADAIRTM Settler/Clarifier System clarifies your water and creates superb solids all in one compact platform. No secondary processing and no ponds! Dirty water goes in one end and clarified water comes out the other. The solids are discharged and can be handled easily with a loader or put onto a belt conveyor.

Additionally,  JADAIRTM Settler/Clarifier Systems can be set up on a permanent or temporary basis. They are portable/semi-mobile so they can be moved easily from one site to another to handle all your water clarification needs. And with low power consumption, a JADAIRTM Settler/Clarifier system can be run from a generator. They also come pre-assembled, almost ready to run. Therefore very little onsite assembly is required.

JADAIRTM  Settler/Clarifier Systems can be used in applications requiring the separation of water and solids. Various sizes are avalable to meet any need. Some common applications include mining, aggregate wash plants, sand wash plants, including frac sand, placer gold mining, dimensional stone cutting, concrete manufacturing processes, agricultural processes including sugar cane and sugar beet washing, fly ash recovery, scrubber fines recovery, and foundries, dredging, and more.


Here's how it works. Water and solids are separated inside the Settler/Clarifier. This separation is enhanced by a proprietary polymer flocculation method. The system is designed to handle a wide range of solids' sizes -- from course to the smallest silts or clays.

Clarified water is then returned to the plant for re-use and thick solids are brought out of the machine and discharged into a containment area (as seen below). The solids containment area in front of each module is typically large enough to handle two or more days' accumulation. Alternatively solids can be discharged onto a belt conveyor and conveyed to a stockpiling area. Some customers also discharge the solids into totes.



The solids themselves are so thick, they can be moved from in front of the machine by a front-end loader (also below) and hauled away in trucks. They are so easy to handle, in fact, that in many areas efforts are made to develop markets for their sale.

Many customers have found markets for their discharged solids so that what once was a waste product, becomes a saleable product instead! Some possible markets for these solids are for use as landfill cover, for soil remineralization on farms and in forests, and for use by landscaping companies in various landscaping applications. Here's an opportunity for you to sell your byproduct for a profit!

In addition to our Settler/Clarifier Systems JADAIRTM  also provides polymer preparation and injection systems and chemicals that aid in water clarification. Polymer causes flocculation of the solids in the water which then makes them settle out. When done correctly, proper polymer selection, preparation, and application result in, clear water, appropriate chemical usage, and good solids quality.

We work directly with multiple polymer manufacturers to find the best polymer for your application. Some polymer vendors fail in system design, application or fail to find the polymer that really is the best for the job. Our polymer selection process ensures optimum results and our systems are designed to batch the polymer properly so you get the best polymer reaction and the lowest polymer usage possible.

These systems also come in multiple sizes to meet customer needs. They are included as standard with our JADAIRTM  Settler/Clarifier Systems but can also be used as stand-alone systems. Either way, Jadair polymers and polymer preparation systems provide superior results that are a critical part of your water clarification process.



Quality Jadair polymers can make all the difference in any water clarification application. In JADAIRTM Settler/Clarifier systems, these polymers are injected into the water stream just before the water enters the flocculation chamber or the JADAIRTM Settler/Clarifier system. After the polymer in injected the dirty water enters the flocculation chamber where flocculation takes place.



Dirty Water Influent On A Jadair Model CT-171 Settler/Clarifier System




Influent Water With The Flocculation Process Started In A Model CT-171 Settler/Clarifier System


The water is clarified as it passes through the JADAIRTM Settler/Clarifier system. It is then discharged into a receiveing tank so it can be re-used. Receiving tanks can be fabricated or re-used tanks from other processes.

Clarified Water Flow At An Aggregate Plant


Closed Loop Clarified Water Discharging From A JADAIR Model CT-352 Settler/Clarifier System At An Aggregate Plant



Clarified Water Effluent From Settler Clarifier


Clarified Water Discharging From A JADAIR Model CT-171 Settler/Clarifier System Into A Clarified Water Collection Tank

Mud Solids On Paddles

Mud Thick Enough To Stick To The Paddles.

Mud Solids Off The Paddle

Mud Solids Off The Paddles. The Solids Can Be Easily Moved And Stockpiled or Sold




Solids accumulate in front of the JADAIRTM Settler/Clarifier system and can be easily removed by loader on a daily, or weekly basis, or as convenient, based on operator preference. Belt conveyors are sometimes used to transfer the solids as well. Either way you have no ponds, no mess, and no wasted room.

Water Clarification Systems for Construction

At this location solids are removed from in front of the machine each morning. The material being moved by this loader was discharged from the JADAIR Settler/Clarifier the day before. How often discharged solids are moved is based on operator preference.

Water Clarification Solutions

The discharged solids are stockpiled adjacent to the JADAIR Settler/Clarifier. Depending on material and location discharged solids can be sold or used for fill.

Reclaimed Solids Used In Grass Planting Test

Solids discharged from a JADAIR Settler/Clarifier system being used in a grass seeding test




JADAIRTM Settler/Clarifier Systems have more to offer. Savings in many different categories add up quickly to help your bottom line. These savings add up day in and day out, all day every day. The best part is that savings go straight to the bottom line. They are not taxed. A big financial plus for any organization! We will get into more details below.

Low water usage. Water usage can be greately reduced with the JADAIRTM Settler/Clarifier. Water lost to ground seepage and evaporation can be reduced or eliminated and makeup water requirements are reduced. This allows savings every day. Being water concious pays for itself, but it also pays dividends in other ways. It is part of being environmentally concious and makes a good neighbor. Being environmentally concious also keeps the EPA and the DNR happy!

Low electrical power usage. This benefit comes from an efficient design philosophy used in every aspect of the JADAIRTM Settler/Clarifier System. It's power usage is extremely low, especially when compared to other industry solutions.. it's dsigned that way,  The power savings add up for you hour by hour and day to day putting money back in your pocket.

Low maintenace requirements.. JADAIRTM Settler/Clarifier systems are built ruggedly. Major mainenace is typically only done every five to ten years. That's right, years. We design, build, and specify components to provide the longest service intervals possible. That keeps your plant running and your maintenece costs down.

Low manpower requirements. The low manpower requirements of the JADAIRTM Settler/Clarifier are hard to beat. Customers typically go to the machine once or twice a day for a few minutes and that's it.. The machine pretty much takes care of itself. It's that simple!

What does all this mean? The JADAIRTM Settler/Clarifier assures water clarity, is good for the environment, saves money, is an investment in a long-term solution, allows for marketable, easy to handle solids, is profitable, is a true closed-loop system, and dramatically reduces water consumption and labor costs.

Most people love to learn about opportunities where everybody wins. That's exactly what happens when you have a JADAIRTM Settler/Clarifier System at your plant. Conact us now to learn more!





Clarified Water




Jadair Polymer In Action, Clarifying Wash Water Instantly!

Recovered Mud Solids From A Closed Loop JADAIR Settler/Clarifier System

Reclaimed Soilids From The Jadair Settler/Clarifier

Customer Video Of Their JADAIR Model CT-171 Settler/Clarifier Clarifying Their Wash Plant Water

Solids Collected The Morning After Coming Out Of The Jadair Settler/Clarifier

An Interview With Another Satisfied Jadair International Inc. Customer



Cody D.

We just wanted to let you know how much we like the JADAIR SETTLER/CLARIFIER we bought from your company.  We don’t have a lot of water so the Clarifier was just what we needed. We have used it every year since we purchased it. The makeup water requirements are extremely low and the water to the wash plant is always clean. We don’t need any draglines or long reach excavators and we aren’t ruining equipment trying to clean out ponds. Your company has been exceptionally helpful whenever we had any questions. We would highly recommend your JADAIR SETTLER/CLARIFIER system to anyone who is interested in saving the environment and washing gravel in a quality way.  If you ever need to show someone the clarifier in action you’re welcome to bring them by. If you ever need a good word said about you let us know.  Thanks again!!





JADAIRTM Concrete Washout Solutions provide concrete producers with ways to save time, space, and material resources. The concrete industry produces a large quantity of waste material. That material that can be reclaimed quickly and easily with a JADAIRTM Redi-Claim Reclaiming System or JADAIRTM Redi-Wash Washout System.


Ready Mixed Concrete

Pipe & Pre-Cast

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JADAIRTM Water clarifying and solids recycling and recovery solutions provide compact, powerful, and efficient water treatment for processing of mined materials with NO ponds. JADAIRTM systems return clarified water to your operation all day, every day, while producing solids that are easy to handle with a loader.

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Conserving water and ensuring that crops are properly harvested and cleaned is vital. JADAIRTM systems can clarify wash water and reclaim it for re-use. Our water clarification systems can also be applied to other processes such as manure separation and more

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Sales: 800-669-3411

Phone: 262-284-3411

Fax: 262-284-6911

235 W. Grand Avenue
Port Washington, WI
53074 U.S.A.